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Forex Signals Brief for Jan 7: Turmoil at the U.S. Capitol

US Wrap

We are currently witnessing one of the biggest events in the history of the US as Congress meets to vote on the electoral college votes.

The day started yesterday, with the Georgia runoff elections coming to a head, with both Democratic candidates getting over the line. However, the election seems to be a moot point now as all the focus is on the voter fraud that took place.

Yesterday, we asked a few key questions:

Will Pence come through for President Trump? Will the public finally hear the evidence?

It appears now that Pence has not backed up President Trump and that was one of the key events that put things in motion.

Pence had the ability to throw out the fraudulent votes and just prior to the start of the joint session, he issued a memo suggesting he was unable to do so. When the session began, the states were read and there were objections to Arizona, after which both houses started debating the merits of the electoral college votes.

At the same time, we heard word from various states including Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, that the state legislators wanted to decertify.

After some protestors stormed Congress, the members were removed, while the National Guard was called to restore order. Many are now asking how unarmed groups of people were simply able to enter a Federal Building? Since that point in time, DC has ordered a curfew and the situation has come under control to some degree.

Congress has now reconvened and is debating once again while US President Trump has been locked out of this Twitter and Facebook accounts.

I feel we are going to see the military involved now as things are getting very uncertain and troubling. At the end of the day, the key here is that neither party appears to want to sit down and discuss voter fraud.

Markets overall are holding up quite well despite the chaos that is taking place. However, it is clear that money is flowing into the crypto’s and out of the USD.

Forex Signal Update

The FX Leaders Team didn’t close any green signals yesterday as markets were all over the place. It is hard to disseminate truth from fiction at the moment and markets overall are holding up.

USD – Watching

The Greenback is on the verge over testing the lows, and given what we are seeing, money is wise to move elsewhere at the moment.

Gold – Watching

GOLD tagged $1950 yesterday, but really has not rallied as we might expect. Clearly, there is more interest in cryptos at the moment for many of the same reason.

Cryptocurrency Update

BTC took out the $35,000 level and is back pushing into the highs of $37,500.

We could see further upside along with ETH and LTC and others who are all seeing strong buying interest.

Read More: Forex Signals Brief for Jan 7: Turmoil at the U.S. Capitol