Daily Trade News

BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, ADA, DOT, BCH, XLM, LINK, BNB By Cointelegraph

Price analysis 1/8: BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, ADA, DOT, BCH, XLM, LINK, BNB

(BTC) again rose to a new all-time high on Friday as bulls continued to buy on every minor dip. As the price reached a new high, Bitcoin’s market capitalization soared above $775 billion, taking it past Facebook’s market cap, according to the website Companies Market Cap. This means, there are only six companies in the world that currently have a greater market cap than Bitcoin.

The pace of the rally seems to have caught several traders off guard. Popular analyst flibflib told Cointelegraph that the sustained rise points to “accumulation algorithms and that accumulation algorithms seldom care about the price when their goal is to invest X$ in Y time period.”

Daily cryptocurrency market performance. Source: Coin360