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Trump impeachment live updates: House impeaches Trump for Capitol

Republican Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan is the seventh House Republican to announce he will vote to impeach Trump, announcing his intention in a statement posted to Twitter moments before voting got underway.

“President Trump betrayed his oath of office by seeking to undermine our constitutional process, and he bears responsibility for inciting the insurrection we suffered last week. With a heavy heart, I will vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump,” he said in a tweet, attaching a longer statement.

Meijer joins Republican Reps. John Katko, N.Y., Liz Cheney, Wyo., Adam Kinzinger, Ill., Fred Upton, Mich., Jaime Herrera Beutler, Wash., and Dan Newhouse, Wash, in saying he will vote to impeach the president.

No House Republicans voted to impeach Trump in 2019.

Read More: Trump impeachment live updates: House impeaches Trump for Capitol