Daily Trade News

Learning From Stock Market Losers

In this week’s episode of Rule Breaker Investing, Motley Fool co-founder David Gardner is joined by analysts Rick Munarriz and Karl Thiel to break down some not-so-good stocks. Find out what went wrong for these companies, if there’s light at the end of the tunnel, and more.

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This video was recorded on January 5, 2021.

David Gardner: What’s the worst investment you’ve ever made? The worst? Did you lose 100%? I sure hope you didn’t do worse than that. I mean, the only way to do worse than that is to borrow money that you didn’t have and then lose all of that. Well, as many losers as I’ve had and as used to losing as I am, I’ve still never picked a stock for The Motley Fool that went down 100%, but I’ve come close. This time, every year, once a year, I talk about my worst stock picks, my biggest losers over the past three years. If winners win, losers lose and it’s important to talk about both. So, come with me, won’t you? To the dark side, the shadow side, the losing side. Let’s explore and learn today on my annual David’s Biggest Losers Volume Six. Only on this week’s Rule Breaker Investing.

Welcome back to Rule Breaker Investing. Happy New Year! I sure hope I’m not the first one to wish you Happy New Year, but if I am, you’re probably pretty locked down. Thanks for finding me. Thanks for finding me on the one podcast that I hate doing every year. Yeah, it’s my biggest losers. Looking at the six worst stocks I’ve picked over the last three years. I was googling David’s Biggest Losers. You can google the phrase, go ahead, “David’s Biggest Losers”. We ranked top across the entire internet for that phrase. In fact, shows from the last few years dominate Google for that phrase. We are smoking the television show Biggest Loser in this search engine optimization battle. You have to go down to the fifth search result after Googling “David’s Biggest Losers” before you get to a link to the Biggest Losers television show Wiki located at the site Fandom where there’s a page dedicated to David Lee, who appeared on the show’s seventh season which was 2009, who started that season show with a body mass index, wow, of 53.3. The record will show it says he was sent home in week one, he was eliminated in week four. Which may have you thinking, “Hey Dave, actually, the competition for the phrase ‘David’s Biggest Losers’ on the internet isn’t really much of a competition,'” and I guess I’d have to agree with you. Yep, it looks like right now I own the phrase, I don’t really want to, “David’s Biggest Losers,” and here we are.

This is volume six. Yeah, we’ve done this every year, the podcast has existed and this is volume six. Now I’m putting in mind one of my favorite Shakespeare quotes,…

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