Daily Trade News

Final Stop in Market Purgatory Gary Silverman column

I’ve been using this space to dwell in market purgatory, meaning, I’ve been looking at several indicators or possible events that spell doom for the markets and the economy.

Behind all of this is my pretense: If you can’t think of a dozen scenarios where everything goes wrong, you’re not really trying.

Gary Silverman, founder of Personal Financial Planning LLC in Wichita Falls, Texas.

What I’m trying to do is two-fold. First, for those who are always optimistic about the markets, this is a reminder that things aren’t always so good.

In fact, about one-third of the time things are bad. That’s a lot.

At the same time, for those who seem to always see gloom in the forecast I’m reminding them that most of those forecasts never come to be.

Read More: Final Stop in Market Purgatory Gary Silverman column