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Jeh Johnson: I hope Americans will come to realize Trump presidency

Former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said Sunday that he hopes Americans will come to realize that the Trump presidency was a “failed experiment.” 

Johnson, who served as Homeland Security secretary under former President Obama, told CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” that he thinks history will not remember the Trump presidency and “those who supported it kindly” even if the Senate decides not to convict Trump of inciting the Capitol riots earlier this month. 

“Four years ago, we engaged in a very dangerous experiment by electing someone who was utterly unqualified for office, who had no moral or legal compass and frankly had impulses toward fascism and autocracy,” Johnson said. 

“My hope is that as time passes Americans will realize this was a failed experiment and we should never try it again,” he continued. “Just look at the consequences of that over the last four years. 

“There’s a track record now in which Donald TrumpDonald TrumpFacebook temporarily bans ads for weapons accessories following Capitol riots Sasse, in fiery op-ed, says QAnon is destroying GOP Section 230 worked after the insurrection, but not before: How to regulate social media MORE and his presidency should be judged, so in our democracy, if Congress doesn’t step up to this, the American public must do so,” he added. 


Johnson told Zakaria that he holds out hope that the Senate will vote to convict the president but said it’s ultimately “up to the American electorate” to decide whether Trump can qualify as a future candidate. 

The former secretary of Homeland Security called on social media to improve its policing of political content, as polls indicate a majority of Republicans falsely believe that President-elect Joe BidenJoe BidenMissouri woman seen with Pelosi sign charged in connection with Capitol riots Facebook temporarily bans ads for weapons accessories following Capitol riots Sasse, in fiery op-ed, says QAnon is destroying GOP MORE was not legitimately elected to take office this week.

Biden will be inaugurated on Wednesday, two weeks after pro-Trump rioters raided the Capitol building to attempt to stop Congress from certifying the president-elect’s Electoral College win. 

The riots forced lawmakers to flee to secure locations and the chambers to halt the Electoral College debate, although lawmakers certified the results hours after law enforcement secured the Capitol. Five people, including a Capitol Police officer, died as a result of the raid.

The House impeached Trump last week on the charge that he incited the mob at the Capitol after calling on protests to march to the…

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