Daily Trade News

Mike Thompson’s cartoon look back

If I had a can of Goya beans for every time someone said over that past four years that President Donald Trump was a gift to editorial cartoonists like myself … I’d be really sick of eating Goya beans.

Far from making my job easier, the past four years of Trump’s reign caused me more consternation than I can remember. The problem has been that like any malignant narcissist, Trump sucked all the oxygen out of the room.

He dominated nearly every news cycle, and his appalling conduct eclipsed important issues facing our country. Many days this left Trump as the most obvious topic to draw about.

Trump’s gaslighting was designed to shift our focus away from his self-dealing and abhorrent policies, and I was loathe to play his game. But at the same time, Trump’s norm-shattering presidency demanded commentary. I often found myself in the position of passing on important issues such as climate change and racial inequality in order to speak out against the latest Trump outrage. 

Read More: Mike Thompson’s cartoon look back