Daily Trade News

Bitcoin whitepaper fight could end up in court as both parties

Bitcoin whitepaper fight could end up in court as both parties escalate drama

The unfolding drama surrounding the ownership of the (BTC) whitepaper could very well make its way to the courts, after both sides embroiled in the dispute told Cointelegraph they’re ready to “go all the way.”

On Jan. 21, the owners of two Bitcoin websites were threatened with legal action by lawyers representing Craig Wright, the man who claims to be Bitcoin inventor Satoshi Nakamoto. Wright claims to be the original copyright holder of the Bitcoin whitepaper, and demanded that both sites remove their locally hosted copies of the document on threat of legal action.

  1. Do not respond and do nothing: this will result in Craig issuing court proceedings against them for copyright infringement”
  2. Respond to our letters and tell us where to go: as above”
  3. “Respond to our letters telling us they are taking down the WP / the publications of the WP from their websites, and they actually do so: no action to take against them”
  4. “Do not respond to our letters but still take down the WP / the publications of the WP from their websites: as per 3”