Daily Trade News

Trading volume is up from 2020’s breakneck pace as retail investors

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Stock trading volumes are through the roof. 

It’s not just equity prices that are hitting new highs in 2021. Trading volumes for stocks and options are at records as well. 

“For trading volumes, the new year starts at a consistent, unprecedented strong & record pace,” according to Rich Repetto, who tracks trading volumes at Piper Sandler.

Much of it is being driven by retail investors, who are continuing the high level of engagement that began in 2020. The increased volumes are pushing electronic brokers like Interactive Brokers and Charles Schwab to new highs, along with exchanges like ICE and Nasdaq

When will the mania for stock and option trading ease? “Everybody has said it’s going to subside, but they have been saying that for six months,” said Interactive Brokers’ Steve Sosnick.

Volumes are way up: Is it all retail?

Stock volumes exploded in 2020, and have increased even more in the early days of 2021:

Equities: Average daily volume

  • 2019:             7 billion
  • 2020:            10.9 billion
  • 2021 so far:  14.7 billion

Source:  Piper Sandler

Year over year, January volumes are up 92%, and from December, they are up 33%.

What accounts for these rises? Repetto believes the majority of the gains are due to increased retail participation, for several reasons:

  1. Record volume on the Trade Reporting Facility. The TRF is the “tape” that reports trades not done on the exchanges. It includes retail trades that are routed to market makers, as well as dark pools. The vast majority of retail trades (90%) are reported to the facility. TRF volume this month reached a record 48.6% of all trading. Repetto believes most of this is due to an increase in retail trading.
  2. Trades at retail brokers are way up. The average daily volume of the largest e-brokers in December was 6.6 million shares, a record. In January, average daily trades are at 8.1 million, a 23% increase.
  3. Options trading is way up. December saw an average of 32.7 million contracts trade on all the equity option exchanges, also a record. In January, 39.8 million contracts a day are trading. Repetto also cites data from Cboe indicating trading in single contract options have doubled in market share (4% to 8%) and tripled in volume in contracts per day.

“You don’t see an institution buying one contract,” Repetto said.

Put it all together, Repetto said, and the evidence points to increased retail trading as the primary culprit in the overall increase in volume.

What is retail buying?

While attention focuses on big names like Tesla as a target of retail interest, Sosnick believes that much of the real volume increase is coming from obscure names on the low end of the trading universe.

“There is a lot of volume in low-priced stocks, $2 or $3 obscure stocks where volumes have exploded.  That tells me people are chasing momentum. They move because they start moving. People start talking about them [in chat rooms] and they move,” he said.


Read More: Trading volume is up from 2020’s breakneck pace as retail investors