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Joe Biden’s far-left ‘unity’ will divide us: Goodwin

The joke survives the test of time and, under the circumstances, deserves repeating. As the late journalist Mickey Carroll told it, a suburban town with a population 90 percent Irish and 10 percent Jewish held a mayoral election involving two candidates — one Irish and one Jewish. 

The Irish candidate won with — wouldn’t you know it? — 90 percent of the vote. Whereupon he immediately denounced the clannishness of the Jews!

The story offers a useful way to view Joe Biden’s calls for national unity. Let’s just say our president is as sincere as the fictional Irish mayor.

Biden won the right to pursue the leftist agenda he campaigned on. But his promise that he will also work for the Americans who didn’t vote for him is more fig leaf than honest invitation. 

As John Mitchell famously said about Richard Nixon’s White House, “Watch what we do, not what we say.”

Applying that standard to Biden, we should ignore the unity talk because everything he has done leans far left.

Again, he’s entitled — elections have consequences. But knitting together a fractured America around a far-left agenda was never going to work. And Biden knows it.

In fact, his actions suggest the “Kumbaya” appeal is not directed at Trump voters or even the public in general. 

It’s really a disguised call to the factions in his own party to stick together, to give him a chance. I’ll keep you all happy, he’s saying, just watch. 

Biden kept Dems together during the campaign because everyone wanted to dump Trump.

Now that he’s won, he’s got to find other ways to keep the fault lines from widening. Early signs show he believes he can straddle the divide by staffing his administration with establishment veterans and party warhorses while giving the passionate far left early policy victories.

Their dogma lives loudly in the 25 or so executive orders the president signed as part of his promise to hit the ground running. He should have promised to walk. 

Consider that just hours after the new president moaned in his inaugural address that “Millions of jobs have been lost, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed,” he deliberately killed more jobs in the energy sector. 

The Keystone Pipeline XL project promised to offer valuable jobs to both Canada and Americans in Nebraska, until sleepy Joe Biden revoked it with an executive order.
The Keystone Pipeline XL project promised to offer valuable jobs to both Canada and Americans in Nebraska, until President Joe Biden revoked it with an executive order.
Omaha World-Herald via AP

One executive order revoked the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline, which snuffed out thousands of good-paying union jobs in Canada and the United States. The long-disputed project would have brought Canadian crude to Nebraska.

He halted new oil, gas and coal leases on public lands and water and rejoined the Paris climate accord, which is certain to be a massive jobs killer once he sets targets for reducing carbon emissions and enforces them with regulations. Naturally, the global climate elites cheered because, well,…

Read More: Joe Biden’s far-left ‘unity’ will divide us: Goodwin