Daily Trade News

Trump on Space Command leaving Colorado: “I single-handedly” did that

Former President Donald Trump acknowledged Friday what Colorado’s political leaders have long suspected: that he single-handedly decided to move the headquarters of U.S. Space Command from Colorado Springs to Alabama.

In the final week of Trump’s presidency, the U.S. Air Force announced that Space Command’s headquarters would be relocated from Peterson Air Force Base to Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala.

Democratic and Republican officials in Colorado have opposed the move ever since and alleged it was Trump who did it. Huntsville is in the district of U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks, a Republican and staunch Trump ally who led attempts in January to stop the certification of President Joe Biden‘s victory over Trump in the 2020 election.

Speaking on “Rick & Bubba,” a syndicated radio show in Alabama, Trump admitted that he was alone in deciding to move the headquarters, but confused Space Command with Space Force, a separate branch of the military.

“Space Force — I sent to Alabama,” Trump said. “I hope you know that. (They) said they were looking for a home and I single-handedly said, ‘Let’s go to Alabama.’ They wanted it. I said, ‘Let’s go to Alabama. I love Alabama.’”

Read More: Trump on Space Command leaving Colorado: “I single-handedly” did that