Daily Trade News

A local CIEE Coordinator is calling on the community to open their

WICHITA FALLS (KFDX/KJTL) — A local CIEE Coordinator is calling on the community to open their homes and help him find a host family for a foreign exchange student.

Danny Croxson is a coordinator in the Wichita Falls area and is currently looking for a host family for a young man named Ivan who is an international high school exchange student from Ukraine.

He enjoys video editing and is also a musician and has been playing the guitar for years.

Croxson says he wants to encourage families to host a foreign exchange student because the impact is great for both the student and the family.

“It’s such a blessing; I’ve been doing it now for nine years,” Croxson said. “I’ve had 16 sons; 17 and 18 are here now. It has touched my life in a way. My family’s life, I would love for every family to be able to share that adventure.”

Aside from Ivan, there are still hundreds of foreign exchange students looking for host families in the area. If you’d like to become a host family, you can find more information on how to become one here.

Read More: A local CIEE Coordinator is calling on the community to open their