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GM recalls every Chevy Bolt ever made, blames LG for faulty batteries

Promotional image of electric vehicle about to be charged.

GM has announced that it is recalling every Chevrolet Bolt made to date, including new electric utility vehicle models, over concerns that a manufacturing defect in the cars’ LG-made batteries could cause a fire.

The Bolt was first recalled in November after five cars that hadn’t been in crashes caught fire. After investigating the problem further, Chevy recalled a second batch in July. The problem was traced to two manufacturing defects that could occur simultaneously. The defects—a torn anode tab and folded separator—created conditions that could lead to a short in affected cells. So far, the company has identified 10 fires that involve faulty batteries, according to an AP report. 

This third and latest recall includes 73,000 Bolts made from 2019–2022, the current model year and brings the total recall to nearly 142,000 cars, with over 100,000 having been sold in the US. GM estimates that the initial recalls will cost $800 million, and it expects the new one to add $1 billion to the total. GM said it will be seeking reimbursement from LG.

To fix the problem, the automaker will replace the vehicles’ batteries, a costly and laborious procedure that will take some time. Until replacement batteries are ready and service appointments can be scheduled, GM has recommended that Bolt owners park their vehicles outside and limit their battery’s state of charge to 90 percent or lower. The company also recommended not letting the estimated range dip below 70 miles. GM says it is working with LG Chem to ramp up production of the replacement cells.

Tracing the problem

The faulty batteries were traced initially to an LG Chem factory in Ochang, South Korea, and the companies thought the issue was contained to that plant. But a fire a few weeks ago in Chandler, Arizona, involving a 2019 Bolt led investigators to expand their scope, revealing that problems were also present in batteries that had been made at other LG factories.

GM and LG Chem are partners in a new multibillion-dollar joint venture to manufacture the Ultium batteries that will underpin a range of new electric vehicles from the Detroit automaker. The companies have announced two $2.3-billion battery factories in Ohio and Tennessee, with the first set to begin production next year.

GM initially partnered with LG Chem for its high-voltage batteries in 2008, when the automaker selected the company to supply packs for its Chevy Volt plug-in hybrid. At the time, it was widely believed that GM selected the Korean company because of its established track record in the relatively new field of lithium-ion batteries. It was likely the right choice given that one of the competitors for the contract, A123, suffered a black eye a few years later when its batteries were responsible for a string of bricked Fisker…

Read More: GM recalls every Chevy Bolt ever made, blames LG for faulty batteries