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Biden news live: President accused of signing Afghans’ death warrants

Biden has ‘contingency plan’ if Afghanistan evacuation misses deadline

Joe Biden has been accused of signing the death warrants of Afghans who have helped the US after he refused to extend his 31 August deadline for withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan.

The American president said his personnel faced an increasing risk of attacks by Isis suicide bombers, adding: “The sooner we finish, the better.” But Republicans said the crisis represented a “colossal failure” of leadership.

Mr Biden’s G7 allies and other world leaders fear that thousands of people vulnerable to Afghanistan’s returning theocratic rulers will be left behind. For its part, the Taliban has begun blocking access to Kabul airport, preventing escape.


Poland ends Afghanistan airlift

Poland has halted its airlift evacuations from Kabul’s international airport over safety concerns, as Western nations prepare to end operations helping those fleeing the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan ahead of America’s looming withdrawal.

Marcin Przydacz, a Polish deputy foreign minister, said that a group taken from Kabul and now in Uzbekistan was the last evacuated by Poland. Another plane is on its way to Warsaw. He said his nation made its decision after consulting with US and British officials.

“After a long analysis of reports on the security situation we cannot risk the lives of our diplomats and of our soldiers any longer,” Mr Przydacz said.

Additional reporting by AP

Jon Sharman25 August 2021 11:44


Striking satellite photos show massive crowds of Afghans lining up to flee Taliban

Striking aerial photos show the huge numbers of Afghans lining up to evacuate their country, writes Nathan Place.

As the United States prepares to withdraw its troops from the nation by the end of August, satellite pictures show massive lines of people and cars at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, apparently attempting to flee the new Taliban regime.

Jon Sharman25 August 2021 11:34


Trump continues his obsession with Biden’s slip on Air Force One steps in new attack ad

Donald Trump launched a scathing attack against the Joe Biden administration and its handling of Afghanistan in a latest advert, labelling the president “Surrender-in-chief,” and once again mocking the moment Mr Biden fell on the stairs of Air Force One, writes Stuti Mishra.

The one and a half minute-long advert launched on Saturday contained sustained attacks on Mr Biden’s presidential term so far, including calling America’s retreat from Afghanistan “the greatest foreign policy humiliation” in US history.

“Joe Biden promised Americans a future of growth, strength, diplomacy, and power. He told us ‘America was back,’” the supporting text on Mr Trump’s website said. “Instead, he withdrew troops from Afghanistan before removing our weapons, our allies, or even our own citizens.”

Jon Sharman25 August 2021 11:15


Biden claims to be acting ‘in…

Read More: Biden news live: President accused of signing Afghans’ death warrants