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Democrats consider new taxes aimed at CEO pay, stock buybacks for

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks during a press conference on the coronavirus outbreak at the U.S. Capitol March 11, 2020 in Washington, DC. Schumer and other members of the Democratic caucus called for corporations and employers to offer paid sick leave to all employees following recommended health procedures. Also pictured (L-R) are Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA).

Win McNamee | Getty Images

Congressional Democrats are weighing a raft of new taxes to help pay for their $3.5 trillion budget bill that would target corporate bigwigs and the nation’s largest companies that buy back shares.

On a discussion list of several new and expanded potential taxes is a proposal to impose an excise tax on publicly traded companies that repurchase a “significant” amount of stock.

The list, which was obtained by CNBC, also includes a tax on firms with CEO pay that exceeds a to-be-determined ratio to that of the company’s average worker.

A discussion list is a draft of ideas that lawmakers assemble before formally pitching them in the House or Senate. Members of Congress will often circulate a list to determine which, and how many, members of the caucus support aspects of the plan. As such, key details like the threshold at which certain taxes would apply and size of the payment have not yet been ironed out.

The Democrats’ plan also includes taxes related to carbon emissions which would likely be opposed by President Joe Biden and other moderate Democrats.

The proposed carbon taxes include a per-ton tax on the carbon dioxide content of leading fossil fuel producers upon extraction starting at $15 and escalating over time. Another suggests a per-ton tax on carbon emissions assessed on major industrial emitters, such as steel and cement makers. A third offers a simple, per-barrel tax on crude oil.

A related plan would repeal major tax subsidies for fossil fuels, including credits and accelerated deductions for extraction, preferential treatment of foreign income, and ability to avoid corporate income tax for pipeline companies.

But the would-be taxes aren’t exclusive to corporations.

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Read More: Democrats consider new taxes aimed at CEO pay, stock buybacks for