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The Haley-Trump quarrels | Lexington County Chronicle

The testy relationship between Nikki Haley and Donald Trump grows testier.
The former President has criticized the former SC governor and his former UN Ambassador in a magazine interview.
“Every time she criticizes me, she uncriticizes me about 15 minutes later,” Trump told Vanity Fair. 
Haley has said publicly that Trump will be blamed historically for the Jan. 6 Capital Hill protest.
She also has said that if Trump seeks the Presidency in 2024 she will not.
The former Lexington resident now living with her family on Kiawah Island has been frequently mentioned as a possble Presidential candidate.
Haley and Trump have had a testy relationship since she left her UN job in 2018.
Haley called the UN position the “honor of a lifetime. I am such a lucky girl to have been able to lead the state that raised me and to serve a country I love. It has really been a blessing.”
She said she had a great working relationship with Trump.
“I appreciated the way he let me do my job.”
Haley’s comments grew critical after Trump supporters forced their way into the US Capitol while Congress was certifying the election of President Joe Biden. 
“Every American has the right to peacefully protest.” she said. “What’s happening right now at the US Capitol building is wrong. We are better than that.”
To comment, please email JerryBellune@yahoo.com

Read More: The Haley-Trump quarrels | Lexington County Chronicle