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Trump’s summer at golf course included meetings with loyalists,

Donald Trump had more on his agenda than golfing this summer.

The former president held a series of private meetings at his golf course in New Jersey with loyalists, from people opposed to Covid mask and vaccine mandates to conspiracy theorists who continue to push the false claim that the 2020 election was rigged in favor of Joe Biden.

Many of the gatherings took place at Trump’s National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. CNBC learned of their existence through reviewing social media posts.

Earlier in the year, Trump held multiple meetings with Republican leadership at Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, Florida. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, National Republican Senatorial Committee Chair Rick Scott, as well as Republican National Committee heads and financiers visited the former commander in chief there.

Lawmakers who met with Trump in Bedminster this summer include House Republican caucus leader Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., Republican Study Committee Chair Jim Banks, R-Ind., and Rep. Madison Cawthorn, R-N.C.

Trump has continued to consider another run for the presidency and has continued wrongly claiming that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

Multiple officials from both sides of the political aisle, including onetime Trump Attorney General William Barr, have said there was no widespread fraud during the 2020 election. Former Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in a recent interview that the election “was not rigged. It was not stolen. Donald Trump lost the election.”

A Trump spokesperson did not respond to an email seeking comment before publication.

In a video posted to Instagram in late June, Trump is seen speaking to what appears to be a group of donors. Like the other videos and photos reviewed by CNBC, the social media post lists Trump’s golf club in New Jersey as the location of the event.

After calling on certain supporters by name and thanking them, Trump goes back to the election and notes that it was successful despite his losing to Biden.

“It’s been really an incredible period of time. We had a tremendous election. We did better the second time than the first,” Trump tells the small crowd, claiming that his losing bid for reelection was better than his successful 2016 campaign. “Yes!” a participant says.

The video shows that one of the names the former president mentioned at the June gathering was Lewis Topper.

“Do you mind if I get you for a few minutes afterwards?” Trump tells the crowd in recollecting an apparent conversation he had with Topper just before the private meeting. “I said, ‘Lewis, if it’s important we’re going to do it,'” Trump said in explaining whether he would actually end up privately speaking with Topper.

Data from the Center for Responsive Politics shows that a Lewis Topper runs a Florida-based fast food company and is also a longtime donor to Republican causes.

Topper did not respond to CNBC’s request for comment on whether he was at the event. Federal Election Commission records show that he…

Read More: Trump’s summer at golf course included meetings with loyalists,