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Got $1,000? 4 Buffett Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever

When Warren Buffett took over Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK.A)(NYSE:BRK.B) in 1965, the company was valued at $19 per share. Today, the investment conglomerate’s class A shares trade at roughly $424,200 — good for growth of approximately 2,226,200% across the stretch. With that kind of incredible performance, it’s no wonder he’s widely considered one of history’s best investors. 

Berkshire stock’s massive size means that its days of explosive growth are probably in the rearview, but investors will likely still be able to bank strong gains by following moves made by the company and its chief executive officer. Read on for a look at four Buffett-backed stocks that look primed to deliver wins over the long term. 

Warren Buffett.

Image source: The Motley Fool.

1. Berkshire Hathaway

If you want to replicate The Oracle of Omaha’s investing strategy, the single best way to do it is owning Berkshire Hathaway stock. Led by Buffett, vice chairman Charlie Munger, and a team of expert analysts, Berkshire stands as one of the best-managed investment conglomerates of the last half-century.

Berkshire Hathaway has sector-spanning investment holdings and a legendary management team, so buying its stock is a top way to add a combination of diversified, relatively low-risk holdings to your portfolio. Investing in the company provides a convenient, trustworthy vehicle for broad exposure to the stock market and an equity stake in other businesses and assets under Berkshire’s corporate umbrella. 

In addition to the other stocks profiled in this article, Berkshire Hathaway gives investors exposure to companies including Coca-Cola, Bank of America, American Express, and many others. While Berkshire has a reputation for focusing on value plays in time-tested business categories, the company has gradually been shifting to accommodate a more tech-focused approach to investing. Buffett’s and Munger’s investing philosophy still plays a key role in shaping the company’s direction, but Berkshire is also building positions in future-oriented tech players, and that should work to the advantage of long-term shareholders. 

2. Apple

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) stands as the single largest stock holding in the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio. While Buffett is known to have been generally averse to tech stocks due to their complicated businesses and growth-dependent valuations, that’s started to change in recent years, and his company has been adding more tech stocks to its holdings. Berkshire’s big investments in Apple can be seen as leading the company’s emerging tech foundations.

Apple has built one of the strongest brands in the consumer hardware space, and that’s also paved the way for a robust software and subscription services ecosystem. Apple will likely continue to command forefront positions in the mobile hardware and software spaces, and it stands out as a likely beneficiary of emerging long-term growth trends, including wearable computing, 5G, and…

Read More: Got $1,000? 4 Buffett Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever