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Surging gas prices are ‘transition premium’ to renewables: OPEC chief

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Soaring gas prices are the cost of the attempted shift to renewable energy sources, OPEC Secretary General Mohammed Barkindo told CNBC on Tuesday. 

“I have talked about a new premium that is emerging in the energy markets that I term the transition premium,” Barkindo told CNBC’s Dan Murphy at the Gastech conference in Dubai. 

The long-time head of the oil cartel criticized what he believed was an overly emotional approach to energy policies and climate change, though he did not point a finger at specifically who was to blame for what he described as a “misrepresentation of facts.” 

Barkindo contended that there was “distortion of facts and the science, and the misrepresentation of these facts in the conversation, which is not healthy, because climate change and the energy transition are supposed to be guided by the science.” 

“The intergovernmental panel on climate change is supposed to be the most authoritative body with regard to both climate change and the transition,” he said. “And we in OPEC believe they are doing a great job, they are producing very very important, seminal reports, but unfortunately these reports are being set aside and the discussions ensuing at the moment, more or less being driven by emotions rather than the great work that this scientific body is producing for all of us.”  

Tripled gas prices 

The fuel nozzle in a car at a gasoline pump at the Citgo gas station on Lancaster Ave in Reading, PA Monday afternoon September 20, 2021.

Ben Hasty | MediaNews Group | Getty Images

This has all led to lower gas supplies for the coming winter months, meaning we are likely to see a greater squeeze on supplies and higher prices to come. 

Gas prices had remained very low since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, at around $2 per one million British thermal units, or mmBtus. But the reopening of economies and restart of travel as vaccination campaigns expand have jolted demand upward.  

‘A burden on many countries’

United Arab Emirates Energy Minister Suhail Al Mazrouei, speaking to CNBC at the same event, contended that while gas prices appear high, they came from a very low level to begin…

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Surging gas prices are ‘transition premium’ to renewables: OPEC chief