Daily Trade News

BTC, AVAX, ALGO, XTZ, EGLD By Cointelegraph

Top 5 cryptocurrencies to watch this week: BTC, AVAX, ALGO, XTZ, EGLD

China has attempted to stifle the crypto sector’s growth on several occasions in the past 12 years but barring a minor blip, the blanket bans on crypto-commerce have not altered the long-term growth of cryptocurrencies. This shows that no one country, even if it is the second-largest economy in the world, can halt the emergence and growth of cryptocurrencies.

Deutsche Bank (DE:) analyst Marion Laboure said in an update on the bank’s website that (BTC) is likely to “remain ultra-volatile in the foreseeable future” as most people buy it either for investment or for speculation rather than using it as a medium of exchange.

Crypto market data daily view. Source: Coin360