Daily Trade News

Working Professionals in US Would Like to Get Paid in Crypto

Recent research by Skynova indicates a rising level of acceptance towards cryptocurrencies among American working professionals. 65.5% of the over 1,000 professionals who participated in the survey were at least somewhat willing to receive compensation in the form of cryptos and more than 28% were ‘very willing’ to do so.

What’s even more interesting is that 46.9% of the respondents had already received crypto currencies as payment previously. In addition, nearly one third of professionals were willing to quit their current jobs and switch to other employers who were willing to compensate them in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

The most favored form of crypto payments included Bitcoin (74.3%), followed by Ethereum and even Dogecoin. The key drivers of the willingness to accept compensation in cryptocurrencies were a belief that digital currencies are the future of currency as well as because of their potential for financial gains and because they offer a means for diversification of income.

What’s interesting is that the results of this survey have come out just in time for Coinbase’s announcement about an upcoming feature that will allow direct deposit of US users’ paychecks in USD or crypto into their online accounts. The leading US-based crypto exchange announced that this feature will be made available in the coming weeks, giving its users a way to deposit any percentage of their paycheck into their Coinbase account.

They can choose to either hold the money in the form of fiat currency or use it to purchase cryptocurrencies, and will serve to make it easier for users to spend, earn, trade and borrow cryptos on the platform. It will also offer an instant and convenient way to deposit funds into their Coinbase accounts instead of transferring money from their bank accounts.

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