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Democrats scramble to stop government shutdown, increase debt limit

Government shutdown looms after Senate Republicans block a federal spending bill over the debt ceiling. A shutdown would begin Oct. 1.

Breaking news this Wednesday OnPolitics readers: President Joe Biden’s immigration agenda suffered another blow Wednesday as the Senate parliamentarian rejected a plan that could have created a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants.

This is the second setback Democrats have faced in trying to include immigration in the reconciliation package.

Elsewhere on Capitol Hill: After delivering eye-popping testimonies before senators on Tuesday, the country’s top military brass headed to the House of Representatives for further grilling by lawmakers over the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, competition with China and the chain of command.

Plus, Congressional Democrats have a lot on their plate as they try to stave off a government shutdown. 

It’s Mabinty, we’ve got lots to cover. 

Will there be a government shutdown? Maybe. 

Democrats scrambled Tuesday to extend funding for the federal government to avoid a shutdown, with negotiations in Congress at a stalemate as Biden canceled a planned trip to Chicago to focus on budget talks.

Read More: Democrats scramble to stop government shutdown, increase debt limit