Daily Trade News

AG candidate Ryan Owens removed podcast episodes with Trump critics

University of Wisconsin-Madison law professor Ryan Owens is running for attorney general as a Republican.

MADISON — Four episodes of a podcast hosted by Ryan Owens — some of them featuring critics of former President Donald Trump — have disappeared from the internet as the Republican candidate for attorney general ramps up his campaign.

Owens on Wednesday offered evolving accounts regarding the removal of the episodes of the University of Wisconsin-Madison podcast.

Initially, he characterized it as a mistake and suggested it might have had to do with the update of a website.

A university spokesman later said officials believe Owens requested that the episodes be taken off the web, and at that point Owens acknowledged sometimes removing older episodes. 

Owens was director of the university’s Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership for two years and regularly spoke with politicians and policy observers as the host of its podcast, “The Badgercast.”

Read More: AG candidate Ryan Owens removed podcast episodes with Trump critics