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Yaroslav Gordeev Presents Full Phenom Ecosystem in an Official White

Yaroslav Gordeev Presents Full Phenom Ecosystem in an Official White Paper

The world is constantly evolving, leaving us with no choice but to keep evolving within it, developing our skills, and getting new experiences. In the last several years, humanity has been undergoing tremendous changes connected with technological advancement and social circumstances. The digital world has been taking over our lives, and of course, we had to adjust.

This way, at the intersection of humanity and technology, new solutions emerged – fully digitalized and ready to adapt to the ever-changing environment. One of those is the Phenom Ecosystem.

What is the Phenom Ecosystem?

The Phenom Ecosystem was created with one crucial idea in mind – making technology useful and valuable to people who use it. It is the end-user who is important at Phenom; they become a co-creator of the products by interacting with them, sharing feedback and ideas.

Such a collaboration of the human and technological aspects makes Phenom a digital ecosystem. This means that it is an autonomous complex of technical solutions and products, combined into a single entity, that meet various user needs and are available for use both as a complex and separately.

However, in contrast to classical digital ecosystems, such as Google (NASDAQ:) or Facebook (NASDAQ:), Phenom was developed to shift the balance of benefits towards the user. The financial model, as well as the future development plan, have been created and are constantly improved with the end-user and community in mind.

This makes the Phenom Ecosystem not just a collection of technological solutions but something completely new for the IT industry. The project has a new approach of combining business, technology, entertainment, science, and communication. A transparent economy, a stimulus for development and work, motivation for new research and discoveries – these are all fundamental principles of Phenom.

Phenom Ecosystem components

At the moment, the Phenom Ecosystem contains six interconnected products: Phenom Network, Phenom Chain, Phenom Token, Phenom App, Phenom Explorer, and Phenom League.

Phenom Network

The Phenom Network is a decentralized foundational network that is created by the Ecosystem users and their smartphones. It works as a venue for all the Phenom products and activities, allowing users to acquire tokens, jointly develop products, participate in LEAGUE matches and tournaments, communicate with their teams in the Phenom Metaverse, etc. The Phenom team claims that the number of options for joint activities will only increase with the development of the Ecosystem.

Phenom Chain

Phenom Chain is a private blockchain, a distributed and autonomous database that unites all information and reports on user actions in the Ecosystem. The main goal of Phenom Chain within the Ecosystem is to ensure the implementation of the principle of decentralization, security, and transparency.

Thanks to the proficiency of the Phenom team, this…

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