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Mick Mulvaney’s Niece Among 11 Subpoenaed By House Committee

The niece of Mick Mulvaney, an ex-aide for former President Donald Trump, was one of 11 people hit with the newest round of subpoenas from the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot, the Associated Press reported.

The new subpoenas come as the committee seeks to learn how intimately Trump’s administration and campaigners were involved in the planning of the rally-turned-riot.

Maggie Mulvaney served as director of finance operations for Trump’s campaign in 2020 and received $5,000 every two weeks for her work through the middle of November, AP reported. She was listed on a permit attachment for the January 6 rally as “VIP Lead.”

Nearly all of the other people subpoenaed were also included on the permit, issued to the pro-Trump group Women for America First, AP reported. Maggie Mulvaney now serves as a senior adviser for Republican Representative Carol Miller of West Virginia, according to Miller’s staff directory. She did not respond to emails or calls from AP.

For more reporting from the Associated Press, see below.

Jan. 6 Subpoenas Issued
The niece of Mick Mulvaney, an ex-aide for former President Donald Trump, was one of 11 people hit with the newest round of subpoenas from the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot. Above, the face of former President Donald Trump appears on large screens as supporters participate in a rally in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021.
John Minchillo/AP Photo

The House committee’s demands included materials having to do with planning, funding and participation in the event at the Ellipse, which was organized to protest the results of the November elections, as well as events that led up to it, including a bus tour and marches in Washington in November and December. The committee said it also asked for communications with Trump administration officials and lawmakers, which could show whether and how deeply government officials were involved in the day’s planning.

One of the people subpoenaed, whose firm was hired to provide event security that day, told AP that he planned to cooperate.

“We have every intention of complying with the House select committee,” said Lyndon Brentnall, who runs Florida-based RMS Protective Services. “As far as we’re concerned, we ran security at a legally permitted event run in conjunction with the U.S. Secret Service and the Park Police.”

It was not clear whether the others would turn over documents by October 13 or testify in depositions scheduled from late October through the beginning of November, as the committee has demanded. AP sent emails and text messages, called phone listings or sent messages to online accounts for every person subpoenaed, but only Brentnall provided comment.

Brentnall said staff who worked security with him at the event were vetted by the Secret Service and Park Police. Their names, phone numbers and Social Security numbers were submitted in advance, he said.

“We literally ran the event security and the transport of VIPs from the hotel into the event,…

Read More: Mick Mulvaney’s Niece Among 11 Subpoenaed By House Committee