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Trump accused of making lewd jokes about Trudeau’s mom and The

Former President Donald Trump has been accused of making lewd jokes about the mother of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, claiming that she slept with every member of The Rolling Stones.

Former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham wrote in her memoir I’ll Take Your Questions Now that she was sitting with Mr Trump on Air Force One when he blurted out the claim about former Canadian First Lady Margaret Trudeau.

Ms Grisham writes in an excerpt published by Politico that Mr Trump looked at her and asked “Are you OK if I say this?”

“That was always a troubling question. Who knew what was going to come out of his mouth?” she added.

“Trudeau’s mom. She f***ed all of The Rolling Stones,” Mr Trump added, according to Ms Grisham.

In 1977, when Mr Trudeau was eight years old and his father Pierre Trudeau was serving as Prime Minister, Margaret Trudeau spent her sixth wedding anniversary partying with The Rolling Stones at a nightclub in Toronto and later rode along in Mick Jagger’s limousine, prompting rumours of an affair.

She then went off to New York, and her marriage to the then-prime minister later ended, but she denied having affairs with any of the rock stars, telling a mental health conference: “I should have slept with every single one of them.”

“Trump was for the most part in a good mood and, as always, up for chatting about anything under the sun,” Ms Grisham wrote about the early 2020 interaction.

“Once, on Air Force One, I was sitting with him in his cabin, and for whatever reason – maybe he had just read something or seen his face on TV – Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau popped into the president’s head,” she added.

Vanity Fair has written that Margaret Trudeau, an actress and author, has lived a “life of glitz and unbridled hedonism”, and that she “sang and strutted” at a Rolling Stones concert in 1977 where she “stared” at frontman Mick Jagger “worshipfully throughout the performance”.

She later hosted a party with the band in her hotel room. Mr Jagger told the Evening Standard a few months later: “She is a very sick girl in search of something. She found it, but not with me. I wouldn’t go near her with a barge pole.”

Mr Trump and Mr Trudeau had a shaky relationship during Mr Trump’s four years in office.

“The last thing Canadians expect is for me to come down and lecture another country on how they choose to govern themselves,” Mr Trudeau said when asked about Mr Trump’s Muslim ban during the leaders’ first meeting in 2017.

A discussion about women in business later prompted social media posts about Ivanka Trump admiring Mr Trudeau.

During a reception at Buckingham Palace in 2019, Mr Trudaeu was filmed appearing to gossip about Mr Trump along with French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Princess Anne.

Mr Trump responded to the video, calling Mr Trudeau “two-faced”.

Read More: Trump accused of making lewd jokes about Trudeau’s mom and The