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Yang in new book: Trump might have won in 2020 ‘if not for the

Andrew YangAndrew YangThe Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Alibaba – Democrats still at odds over Biden agenda Yang’s new party will be called ‘The Forward Party’ Andrew Yang planning to launch third party: report MORE, most recently a former New York City mayoral candidate, says in his new book that former President TrumpDonald TrumpNigerian president to lift Twitter ban if certain conditions are met Grisham calls Kushner ‘Rasputin in a slim-fitting suit’ Federal court orders FEC to rule on NRA shell entity campaign allegation MORE could have won the 2020 “if not for the coronavirus, which had killed 230,000 Americans by the time of the election,” Newsweek reported.

Yang, who also ran as a Democratic presidential candidate in the 2020 election, wrote in his new book, “Forward,” that it was “​hard to imagine a president doing a worse job than Trump of leading the country through the crisis,” blasting the president for how the United States managed the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Hill has reached out to a spokesperson for Trump for comment.

Yang also assigned some of the blame for how the country handled the COVID-19 pandemic to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), writing in his book that the agency fell “on its face,” according to Newsweek.

He criticized the fact that in the early days of the pandemic, the country lacked sufficient contract-tracing measures and at times grappled with determining which people on flights needed to quarantine.

He also blamed a lack of personal protective equipment, contaminated COVID-19 test kits and an insufficient understanding of how the coronavirus traveled between countries as further miring the country’s initial response to the pandemic.

“For thousands of Americans, it was literally death by bureaucracy,” Yang said in his book, according to Newsweek. “Our bureaucracies are too often embarrassingly or tragically ineffective and inefficient, and generally no one is held accountable when they fail.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a health care crisis that has affected both the Trump and Biden administrations, both of whom have received criticism at various points for how the government had handled the pandemic. 

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