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Surprise: Ivanka Trump Was Responsible for Her Father’s Disastrous

As the old saying goes, behind every great man is a great woman, though for the Trump era, the more appropriate adage would be, “behind every presidential fuckup is a first daughter and son-in-law who have no idea what they’re doing but nevertheless think they should be advising the leader of the free world.” That’s not at all to say that Donald Trump wasn’t perfectly capable of destroying the country himself, just that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner clearly helped things along. Take COVID-19, for instance. Despite being neither a public health expert nor a doctor, and arguably a barely functioning adult, Kushner played a key role in the government’s pandemic response, which included reportedly telling Trump in March 2020 that the virus wasn’t a “health reality,” and responding, “that’s their problem,” when informed New York didn’t have adequate PPE supplies. Meanwhile, according to a new report, Princess Purses was the one who demanded her father deliver an address to the nation on a moment’s notice, the one which resulted in him telling millions of people, “The risk [of this virus] is very, very low.”

According to an excerpt from former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham’s new book, on March 11, 2020, a meeting was held in the Oval Office so the members of the Coronavirus Task Force could brief Trump on the latest information regarding COVID. In attendance were Anthony Fauci, M.D., Deborah Birx, M.D., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Robert Redfield, vice president Mike Pence, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, national security adviser Robert O’Brien, and, for some reason, Jared and Ivanka, who, unsurprisingly, didn’t have anything helpful to contribute:

In the middle of all the discussion, Ivanka kept chiming in, “But I think there should probably be an address to the nation tonight.” I let that pass because in my mind there was no way we could pull one off with no speech prepared, no communications strategy, no consensus on anything we had just started discussing, and only a few hours’ notice. We did a lot of random things in Trump World, but that just seemed too crazy even for us.

As the discussion continued, Mnuchin kept raising the potential impact on the economy. He felt that the recommendation to shut down the borders was far too severe and the financial impact to our country and the world would be something we would not recover from for years. The discussion got quite heated, especially between the secretary and national security adviser O’Brien, who at one point said to Mnuchin, “You are going to be the reason this pandemic never goes away.” Hope Hicks continued to chime in with questions and ideas that had been discussed weeks before. And Ivanka, the women’s rights / small-business / crisis communications / and now COVID expert, just kept repeating, “There should be an address from the Oval.”

Finally, Ivanka turned to her most powerful ally besides…

Read More: Surprise: Ivanka Trump Was Responsible for Her Father’s Disastrous