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Earth Observation Market to Generate $73 Billion by 2030 via

New Space Operators, Downlink Service Markets, and Financial Sector Drive 10% Annual Growth in Next Decade

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NSR’s Satellite-Based Earth Observation, 13th Edition (EO13) report launched today, which finds multiple trends converging to achieve a longstanding industry goal, an open EO market. Driven by Gov/Mil customers and a rapidly growing commercial demand, derived EO data products present a $73 Billion opportunity, as new business models push ground segment evolution boosting revenues.

“Earth Observation is seeing A LOT of market excitement, due to high visibility announcements over the last year, along with interest from the Financial and ESG sectors,” states report Co-Author Shivaprakash Muruganandham. “The industry continues to shift downstream, aided in part by a parallel move towards service-oriented models in the ground segment, further enhancing long-term revenue opportunities.”

With downstream Information Products and Big Data Analytics growing fast, new capabilities such as persistent monitoring, ground segment virtualization and cloud computing are expected to drive the market toward becoming a more consumer-friendly sector over the next decade.

As operators look toward fusion of multiple data types to provide information products and analytical insights, a lack of standardization will slow market uptake in the short term. However, improvements on the distribution of data and services will catch up, with volumes of supply coming via dozens of constellations.

“Non-Imagery data and derived products are a fast-emerging market, driven by the need for alternative data sources for niche applications such as RF monitoring and GHG emissions observation,” explains report Co-author Charlotte VanCamp. “This relatively nascent sector is expected to further boost EO market revenues in the medium to long-term.”

Muruganandham adds, “With development of downstream infrastructure, investments into high volume supply and improved data quality and variety, the market is finally moving into position to consumer needs.”

About the Report

NSR’s Satellite-Based Earth Observation, 13th Edition (EO13) offers a comprehensive view of the upstream and downstream satellite-based EO market. NSR’s EO13 details the most comprehensive analysis available for every commercially available resolution, vertical, region, and data type. Covering the entire value chain, from imagery and data, through value-added processing, geo-intelligence, and Big Data Analytics, EO13 details the key strategic EO insights necessary to keep readers ahead of the curve. For additional information on this report, including a full table of contents, list of exhibits and executive summary, please visit www.nsr.com or call NSR at +1-617-674-7743.

Companies and Organizations Mentioned in NSR’s EO13:

Airbus DS, Antrix, Arlula, Astro Digital, AxelSpace, BlackSky Global, Bluefield Technologies, Canon, Capella Space,…

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