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Fight over Biden agenda looms large over Virginia governor’s race

The chaos surrounding President BidenJoe BidenTop GOP senator: ‘Far-left Democrats are driving the bus and Joe Biden is just along for the ride’ Political study should give Democrats a jolt Fauci says it’s a ‘false narrative’ to think COVID-19 vaccine not needed if Merck drug approved MORE’s agenda and Congress is threatening to spill into the Virginia governor’s race as Democrats look to defend the governor’s mansion in Richmond.

The race is seen as a bellwether for next year’s midterm elections, a likely referendum on President Biden’s first two years in office. While the race is a state election, its geographic proximity to Washington and Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe’s ties to Biden could influence the results in November.

“Any federal issue will always play bigger in Virginia given the degree Virginia has federal employees and military members,” said veteran Virginia-based Democratic strategist Jared Leopold.

The final month of the governor’s race comes as Democrats on Capitol Hill find themselves deeply divided on passing a $3.5 trillion social policy measure and a bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill, all coinciding with the ongoing fight about raising the debt ceiling. A passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the House would mark a victory for Biden and Democrats as a whole, but progressives have worked to hold the bill up until the separate $3.5 trillion measure is passed.

“That’s just another complication for Democrats as they try to put this bill together,” said Jim Manley, a former top aide to ex-Senate Majority Leader Harry ReidHarry Mason ReidDebt ceiling games endanger US fiscal credibility — again To Build Back Better, we need a tax system where everyone pays their fair share Democrats say Biden must get more involved in budget fight MORE (D-Nev.) of the Virginia governor’s race. “They’ve got to take it under consideration.”

On top of that, Biden has faced lowering approval ratings and backlash on the chaotic U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan last month.

McAuliffe has frequently touted Biden’s American Rescue Package and his “Build Back Better” plan on the campaign trail, with the president headlining a rally for McAuliffe in Arlington this summer. But McAuliffe did not bring up Biden’s name in either of the two gubernatorial debates last month, leading some to question whether he was distancing himself from the president.

The former governor’s allies are pushing back against the notion that Biden’s lower approval ratings coupled with the situation on Capitol Hill will have a major effect on the race, saying the state election is insulated to a degree from federal politics and policy.

“Obviously the general standing of your party and your president if it’s from your party, it will affect down-ballot races, but that’s more true for federal races than state races,” said longtime conservative commentator Bill Kristol, who has endorsed McAuliffe. “And…

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