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Hill confirms Kremlin swapped in an attractive interpreter to

Fiona Hill, who had served as former President Donald Trump‘s Russia expert, confirmed press secretary Stephanie Grisham’s account that Russian President Vladimir Puttin had subbed in an attractive female translator to distract the American leader.  

‘We know that this was the case because there had been somebody else on the list, a man, intended to translate for that particular session,’ Hill said Monday on Good Morning America. ‘And at the very last minute the Russian swapped out for the other interpreter.’

Hill added that it was ‘clearly intended to draw attention.’

‘Because President Putin made a big point of basically introducing President Trump to the interpreter, which is something that he normally wouldn’t do,’ Hill said. 

She also suggested Putin made the move because a number of women were attending the meeting as part of the American delegation including Ivanka Trump, Grisham and Hill.  

Russia expert Fiona Hill confirmed Stephanie Grisham's account that the Kremlin subbed in an attractive, female translator to distract President Donald Trump during his 2019 meeting in Osaka with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Russia expert Fiona Hill confirmed Stephanie Grisham’s account that the Kremlin subbed in an attractive, female translator to distract President Donald Trump during his 2019 meeting in Osaka with Russian President Vladimir Putin 

Stehanie Grisham wrote that she was told by Russia expert Fiona Hill that Russian President Vladimir Putin (center) had brought along an 'attractive' translator (left) to distract President Donald Trump (right) during their 2019 meeting

Stehanie Grisham wrote that she was told by Russia expert Fiona Hill that Russian President Vladimir Putin (center) had brought along an ‘attractive’ translator (left) to distract President Donald Trump (right) during their 2019 meeting 

President Vladimir Putin's translator follows him into a meeting with President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan in 2019

President Vladimir Putin’s translator follows him into a meeting with President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan in 2019

Grisham’s book – I’ll Take Your Questions Now, What I Saw at Trump White House – hits bookshelves on October 5.   

Grisham was a 2016 campaign aide who became First Lady Melania Trump’s spokeswoman, before being elevated to White House press secretary and communications director from July 2019 to April 2020. 

I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I saw at the Trump White House by Stephanie Grisham comes out on October 5

I’ll Take Your Questions Now: What I saw at the Trump White House by Stephanie Grisham comes out on October 5 

She then returned to the East Wing to serve as the first lady’s spokesperson, again, and chief of staff. 

 The new book fills in some blanks about some of the most memorable moments from Trump’s one term.

At that meeting, Grisham writes in her new book that Trump told Putin he would act tough in front of the cameras and then play nice privately.

‘OK, I’m going to act a little tougher with you for a few minutes. But it’s for the cameras, and after they leave, we’ll talk. You understand,’ Trump had told Putin when they met in June 2019 in Japan at the G20, Grisham recounted.   

The Putin meeting in question came 11 months after the infamous Helsinki summit where Trump seemed to side with the Russian president over American intelligence agencies on whether Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

At the July 2018 meeting, Trump said Putin offered an ‘extremely strong and powerful’ denial. 

At their 2019 meeting in Japan, Trump playfully scolded and wagged a finger at Putin in front of…

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