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Iowa’s 2022 Caucuses Will Be Held on February 7

DES MOINES, Iowa – On Friday, Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann and Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Ross Wilburn announced that on Monday, February 7th, 2022, both parties will host their midterm precinct caucuses.

Midterm precinct caucuses kick off the convention calendar for both parties that will entail county, district, and state conventions determine county central committee representation, discuss platform planks, and send delegates to the county conventions.

“The Iowa Caucuses have always brought our two parties together. Hosting the precinct caucuses on the same date allows Iowans across the political spectrum to easily participate in this great party-building tradition. While these are the midterm precinct caucuses, I look forward to working with Chairman Wilburn to ensure this type of cooperation occurs for the 2024 Presidential Caucuses,” Kaufmann said.


The Republican Party of Iowa will host its county conventions on March 12, 2022, district conventions on April 23, 2022, and the state convention on June 11, 2022.

“We don’t agree on much, but we do agree on the importance of holding the Iowa Caucuses on the same day. I’m excited about this year’s caucus-to-convention calendar. It’s a great opportunity for us to engage with Iowans from all different backgrounds. Chairman Kaufmann and I will continue to work together to ensure that Iowans from both parties can participate in this proud tradition,” Wilburn said.

The Iowa Democratic Party will host its county conventions on March 26, 2022, district conventions on April 23, 2022, and the state convention on June 18, 2022.

Read More: Iowa’s 2022 Caucuses Will Be Held on February 7