Daily Trade News

Know your risks before joining the stock market bandwagon

During a recent conversation, a senior Human Resources professional with a prominent firm shared a few observations. A sizeable number among the new generation — freshers seeking employment and those seeking a change to a better job — are active in online stock trading.

Additionally, the Covid-enforced work-from-home norm, too, has triggered a trend of several people trying their luck in the bourses.

His observations made me think. There is no second opinion that the country’s economy will gain when more people participate in the capital market, look for prospects and acquire related knowledge.

Investing in stocks wisely, after understanding the risks involved, will bring better returns than any other investments. But extensive studies are required about those investing after keenly observing the markets for years and others who impulsively invest on seeing bullish trends in the bourses.

An investor opting for delivery trading (wherein purchased stocks remain in the demat account until sold) rather than the risky intra-day (buying and selling a stock within a trading session, ie., the same day) and derivative (based on speculations on the future price action of an asset) has much to learn before putting in his/her money:

Read More: Know your risks before joining the stock market bandwagon