Daily Trade News

In disparaging Haitian migrants, Trump is done with pretending he

AIDS is not like the coronavirus, happily; our understanding of it has evolved since the mid-1980s. It is a dangerous disease, but it is not the unchecked threat that it was 20 years ago. By Dec. 31 of last year, 345,000 people had died of covid-19; in 2019, about 16,000 people who had AIDS died, not all of them from the disease. While rates of the disease in Haiti are high, 2020 saw the lowest number of new infections on record, according to U.N. estimates. About 1 in 1,500 Haitians age 15 to 49 are infected with HIV, compared to 1 in 7,900 people in the United States. Even if individuals carrying HIV came to the United States, the risk of transmission is much lower than with the coronavirus for obvious reasons.

Read More: In disparaging Haitian migrants, Trump is done with pretending he