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Congressional mom Elise Stefanik says she can have it all

Elise Stefanik says she is going to have it all.

The new mom, and US House of Representatives GOP conference boss, won’t be slowing down from her official duties, even after the arrival of her son Samuel Albritton Manda six weeks ago.

“I think it is important for women in a senior position in all sorts of careers to talk about that and show that,” she said of balancing family life with a career. “I am so energetic in fighting for the future of this country because it will have an impact on Sam’s life.”

The upstate congresswoman said she was lucky to have parents and in-laws to also shoulder some of the responsibilities.

“That support system is different for every family, but I have the opportunity to continue being the best mom I can be and being the best elected official and public servant I can be because of that support system of family,” she said.

Stefanik, now 37, was the youngest woman ever elected to the House when she won office in 2014. On Aug. 27 she became its newest mom: when 9-pound, 3-ounce Sam, who came in at 23 inches long, was born.

The bubbly baby boy has her eyes, and husband Matthew Manda’s nose, Stefanik gushed.

Elise Stefanik
Stefanik chaired a conference call the night before giving birth to her newborn.
Joshua Roberts – Pool/Getty Images

The 24 hours before Sam’s scheduled birth had been frenetic.

The deadline for President Biden’s withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan was just days away, and hundreds of Americans were still stranded. The night before Sam arrived, Stefanik chaired a conference call with fellow Republican lawmakers in the House to discuss the deteriorating situation.

Sam, however, has been untroubled by the global turmoil and his hobbies for now include looking out the window, going for walks, and listening to Dr. Seuss. Stefanik says she will welcome the full collection into her home. In the morning he enjoys classical music — particularly Chopin.

For Stefanik and her hubby, the last six weeks have been the usual roller coaster of new parenting ups and downs.

Elise Stefanik
Stefanik gushed that her newborn had her eyes, while his nose looks like her husband’s.

“[Sam] has some record days with 20 diapers — and we’ve gotten to be pretty expert diaper changers,” Stefanik laughed, adding the couple has gotten used to sleepless nights.

Sam’s first public appearance was a local 9/11 memorial, while his first letter came from former President Trump, who offered congratulations.

Stefanik says she plans to eventually introduce Sam on the floor the House, when he tags along with her on the regular seven hour drives between her home in Schuylerville to Washington D.C.

Stefanik’s steadfast refusal to slow down may end up being a boon for her Republican colleagues. In the third quarter of 2021 she raised $1.5 million through her various committees and the fundraising platform WinRed.

Elise Stefanik's baby Sam
Sam’s first public…

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