Daily Trade News

Biden Fumbled China Trade – Fueling A Trump 2024 Presidential Bid

With help from the Biden administration, former President Trump has converted his own failed China trade policy – into a future 2024 campaign asset. Trump is now using the bully pulpit to skewer the Biden team using inflation, the economy, and the price of gasoline as highlights for his irritation agenda.

During the early days of the Trump White House, former trade advisor Peter Navarro laid out suggestions for an abrasive China policy and President Trump loved to pour gasoline on the bonfire. At the time this was taking place, they were attempting to manually alter the balance of China trade, utilizing tariffs as the weapon of choice. Reputable economists will tell you that tariffs are not a workable solution, and every time they have been tried, they have failed.

As the Trumpian trade manipulation was unfolding, retail economists alerted the “globalists” that the proposed policies for China would cause massive inflation and create significant bankruptcies within the retail community. Unfortunately, the retail prognosticators were correct, but nobody listened or even seemed to care. Trump’s “nationalists” won the arguments, and the trade-war disruptions began. Former President Trump said: “A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much. And, you know what? We can’t have that.”

No longer in office, perhaps the former President sees the flaws of his China strategy and has now cleverly decided put the blame on the Biden Team. “Inflation is going to ravage the country,” said the former President recently.

In an important speech on October 4th – the United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai seemed to announce that the Biden team has swallowed the Trumpian-trade-bait. Somehow, they are thinking that the China-mess created by Trump was actually a gift that needed to be renewed. USTR Tai delivered the speech to the Center for Strategic & International Studies – affirming that the Biden Administration would stay the course on Trumpian trade policy and possibly make things even worse by adding additional tariffs. Industry trade groups quickly branded this as a reckless move. The National Retail Federation’s David French said it a statement: “Today’s long-awaited announcement proved the Biden administration’s trade strategy on China to be…

Read More: Biden Fumbled China Trade – Fueling A Trump 2024 Presidential Bid