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Jelurida Africa Will Kick off The East Africa Blockchain Expedition

Jelurida Africa Will Kick off The East Africa Blockchain Expedition On October 23

Jelurida Africa is proud to announce the upcoming East Africa Blockchain Expedition, starting on October 23, 2021. The expedition is designed to educate the residents of East Africa on blockchain technology through the storytelling of personal experiences. Moreover, participants can obtain blockchain certification through this expedition, paving the way for broader development and adoption of this technology.

Jelurida Africa is kicking off the East Africa Block Expedition on October 23, 2021. The primary mission is to bring the concept of blockchain technology to residents of East Africa and get them acquainted with its potential. Distributed ledger technology can make a meaningful impact in the daily lives of many people, businesses, and service providers.

The common and usual method of blockchain education in Africa is theoretical with no opportunity for people to learn while using the blockchain itself. This is due to the lack of rich platforms that enable users to easily experience the numerous possible applications of blockchain technology. This tour plans to fill this knowledge gap. The Ardor client and the Ignis rich features will be utilized in delivering solution-focused training that allows the target audience to witness the power of the technology from the beginning.

During the East Africa Blockchain Expedition, Jerlurida Africa will focus on several aspects. The first aspect is storytelling through personal experiences, creating a more relatable topic involving blockchain technology and its impact on people’s lives. The public and private sectors can attend this event, learn more about the technology, and even obtain a blockchain certification to explore further opportunities in this industry.

A second aspect is to get more people interested in joining the Jelurida ecosystem to help spread the word on blockchain technology. As Jelurida Africa is a group of DLT and smart contract experts, they can offer insights, ideas and help others explore opportunities for DLT in their life or business. Attendees will receive free e-books to foster continuous learning.

The East Africa Block Expedition is a 30-day tour across East African countries, starting in Ethiopia and ending in Tanzania. Jelurida Africa has scheduled meetings with government officials, technology hubs, banks, and universities to organize multiple meetups and training on-site. After hearing the life-altering stories involving this technology, getting a hands-on approach with blockchain will help unlock new use cases and ideas.

The schedule for the East Africa Block Expedition is as follows:

  • Ethiopia. 24th to 26th October.
  • Kenya. 28th to 30 October.
  • Rwanda and Uganda. 1 to 3 November.
  • Zambia. 5 to 8 November.
  • Malawi. 11 to 13th November.
  • Mozambique. 16 to 18 November.
  • Zimbabwe. 20 to 22 November.
  • Tanzania. 24th of November.

Moreover, the Expedition serves as a foundation to launch a…

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