Daily Trade News

Not a Joke: Trump Was Going to Appoint Ivanka President of the World

Last month, a group of current and former Blue Origin employees published an essay alleging the company was a sexist, toxic organization that didn’t take flight safety seriously. According to the group, while men’s opinions were welcomed when it came to concerns about the New Shepard, women were “demeaned for raising them.” Among the litany of complaints, the letter-writers highlighted a former executive who “frequently treated women in a condescending and demeaning manner,” addressed them as “baby girl,” “baby doll,” or “sweetheart,” and asked about their dating lives. They claimed this man’s behavior was so well known within the Blue Origin that some female employees “took to warning new female hires to stay away from him, all while he was in charge of recruiting employees,” writing, “It appeared to many of us that he was protected by his close personal relationship with Bezos—it took him physically groping a female subordinate for him to finally be let go.”

In a statement to the Post, Blue Origin’s senior vice president of human resources said the company takes “all claims seriously and we have no tolerance for discrimination or harassment of any kind. Where we substantiate allegations of misconduct under our anti-harassment, anti-discrimination, and anti-retaliation policy we take the appropriate action—up to and including termination of employment.”

After Blue Origin was informed of the Post’s story, the outlet noted, Bezos tweeted a picture of a Barron’s cover story from 1999 that was critical of Amazon, calling it “Amazon.Bomb.” Seemingly suggesting criticisms of Blue Origin are just noise from a bunch of haters, he wrote: “Listen and be open, but don’t let anybody tell you who you are. This was just one of the many stories telling us all the ways we were going to fail. Today, Amazon is one of the world’s most successful companies and has revolutionized two entirely different industries.”

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Read More: Not a Joke: Trump Was Going to Appoint Ivanka President of the World