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Sydney to allow quarantine-free international travel for Australians

People gather for picnics beside the Harbour Bridge in the suburb of Kirribilli on September 19, 2021 in Sydney, Australia. Covid-19 restrictions have eased for people in NSW who are fully vaccinated.

James D. Morgan | Getty Images News | Getty Images

Fully vaccinated Australians arriving in Sydney from overseas will no longer have to quarantine starting Nov. 1.

At a briefing, New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet implied that quarantine-free travel was also available for all vaccinated international travelers when he said, “We are opening Sydney and New South Wales to the world.”

But he was overruled by Prime Minister Scott Morrison who later said the easing of entry restrictions at the border is meant only for Australian citizens, permanent residents and their immediate families.

People who fall under those categories would be allowed to leave and return to Sydney without needing to quarantine.

“This is about Australian residents and citizens first,” Morrison said at a briefing, following Perrottet’s announcement.

“Commonwealth Government has made no decisions to allow other visa holders … to come into Australia under these arrangements. They are decisions for the Commonwealth Government, as the premier and I know,” he said.

The prime minister did not give any indication Friday as to when the border restrictions would be eased for other travelers, but said it would be done in a staged and careful way.

Border re-opening

Australia shut its international borders in March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Since then, it allowed only citizens and permanent residents to enter, but they must go through two weeks of quarantine.

Still, with fewer flights available and weekly limits placed on how many international passengers are permitted to arrive at the major cities, thousands of Australians have been left stranded overseas.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison during Question Time in the House of Representatives on February 18, 2021 in Canberra, Australia.

Sam Mooy | Getty Images News | Getty Images

Australia’s other major state, Victoria, has a similar reopening roadmap, which will see certain restrictions lifted when the vaccination rate hits a certain milestone. The state’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton reportedly told local media this week that Melbourne could exit lockdown earlier than planned.

The rest of Australia still has some way to go before hitting the 80% vaccination threshold. Information collated by online publication Our World In Data showed around 53% of all eligible people in Australia have been fully vaccinated.

Easing restrictions

Perrottet also announced a number of local restrictions that would be eased for vaccinated individuals as the state is expected to achieve its target of fully inoculating 80% of its population by this weekend.

Starting Monday, face masks would no longer be required in office buildings. Households would be able to receive up to 20 visitors at any one time, and outdoor gatherings of up to 50 people would be…

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Sydney to allow quarantine-free international travel for Australians