Daily Trade News

DOJ plays politics in letting Andrew McCabe escape punishment

In yet another sign of how politicized it is, the Biden Justice Department has restored disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s full pension.

Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe in 2018 after an internal probe showed he leaked sensitive info on an investigation into the Clinton Foundation and then lied about it under oath, one of at least three times he did so. The dismissal two days before his planned retirement cost McCabe various perks as well as reducing his pension.

But he soon sued, claiming the firing was political.

The Biden team opted to settle the suit rather than defend Sessions’ utterly fair decision, agreeing to have the taxpayers cover McCabe’s $539,000 in attorney fees and $200,000 in back pension payments — as well as expunging the firing from his file.

“Politics should never play a role in the fair administration of justice and civil service personnel decisions,” McCabe smirked.

Yes, the Trump White House had reason to resent McCabe: He was key in promoting the absurd “Russian collusion” probe, signing off on a warrant to spy on minor Trump campaign flunky Carter Page and repeatedly standing up FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who fabricated evidence to justify the spying. And he’s continued his partisan work as a paid CNN contributor, feeding anti-Trump hysteria.

But his lies more than merited Sessions’ punishment, even if it doesn’t serve Team Biden’s political interests to make that case. Too bad that politics matters more than good government at the Biden Justice Department.

Read More: DOJ plays politics in letting Andrew McCabe escape punishment