Daily Trade News

Portfolio rebalancing through DeFi must be simplified to see adoption

Central banks and key leaders are increasingly raising further alarms for rising inflation, causing spirals of doubt across the world. Just recently, United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called for Congress to either raise or suspend the U.S. debt ceiling, stating that the government will run out of money to pay its bills by October.

What seems to sound more like a horror film of the future is merely the front news of global financial publications at the moment. Yellen stated that the overwhelming consensus among economists and Treasury officials of both parties is that failing to raise the debt limit would produce widespread economic catastrophe, “potentially precipitating historical financial crises, stock sell-off and recession, creating severe market volatility.”

Hisham Khan is the founder and CEO of Aldrin. Khan comes from a decade-long background in managing and building robust and innovative financial and enterprise technology. With an extensive career at Bloomberg, Hisham has worked as a project manager with some of the world’s top engineers. It was here where he discovered the transformative impact of cryptocurrencies and has since left Bloomberg to build comprehensive trading tools through Aldrin. Built to be a trader’s all-inclusive digital trading companion, his mission is to make advanced crypto trading and strategy development accessible for all.