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Sustainable Future Forum 2021: Responsibility & Regulation EMEA

[The stream is slated to start at 6:30 a.m. ET. Please refresh the page if you do not see a player above at that time.]

Click on the stream above to watch to CNBC’s Sustainable Future Forum. Monday’s session from Europe focuses on responsibility and regulation.

The way in which we achieve a sustainable future is everyone’s responsibility. From big business regulation and government targets to SME initiatives and personal consumer choices. We are all now environmental activists, but the way we engage with the issue is always unique.

CNBC breaks down the demographics of change and the laws and regulations that can guide it.

The lineup for Monday’s session is below, and click here for the full schedule of the week.

Fireside: How you can profit by fixing the world’s problems
6:30 p.m. SGT/HK | 11:30 a.m. BST

Paul Polman, co-founder and chair of Imagine.

Climate change and inequality — and other profound shifts like pandemics, resource pressures, and shrinking biodiversity — threaten our very existence. Government cannot tackle this alone and business must step up. So says former Unilever boss Paul Polman in his seminal book, “A Net Positive,” co-written with sustainable business guru Andrew Winston. They reveal for the first time key lessons from Unilever and pioneering companies around the world on how you can profit by fixing the world’s problems, not creating them. To thrive today and tomorrow, they argue, companies must become “net positive” — giving more to the world than they take.

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