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Kick.io Wants to Facilitate ICO Launch for New Crypto Projects on

Kick.io Wants to Facilitate ICO Launch for New Crypto Projects on Cardano Blockchain

The cryptocurrency industry has continued to grow and thrive, albeit, on the back of many factors, some of which include the increasing number of novel projects such as blockchains, utility tokens, and launchpads, among others.

However, the success of these projects are dependent on one another and are closely integrated. One cannot exist without the other, or put differently: one can be rendered useless without the presence of another.

That said, there are numerous cryptocurrencies out there, with Statista claiming that there are over 6,000 in circulation as of 2021. However, the majority of these digital assets lack the visibility to scale up. In other words, they lack the recognition or awareness that is required to become investors’ choice, especially at their early stage.

Owing to the reason above, several launchpads such as Kick.io have emerged, specifically to assist these tokens in addressing their primary issue.

Notably, there are launchpads that are interoperable with many blockchains, implying that they can facilitate an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) project based on each host blockchain’s rules and standards. The downside to this, however, is that they have to deal with varying degrees of challenges and limitations arising from various blockchains.

On the other hand, there are launchpads that are solely customized for a single blockchain, and thus only facilitate ICO projects within the ecosystem. Kick.io stands out as a noteworthy example, being the first of its kind to be hosted on the blockchain.

In an exclusive interview with DailyCoin, Tom Nicholson, the CBDO at Kick.io discussed what the platform stands for, and how it is positioned to benefit both developers and investors alike.

Kick.io Will Leverage Cardano’s Rapidly Growing Ecosystem

It is nearly impossible to talk about Kick.io without stating the obvious, which is the integration with the underlying technology, Cardano blockchain, as well as the relationship with the entire ecosystem.

While Cardano is still a relatively new project, considering that it has only been around for about four years, it has moved up the industry ladder to become one of the most sought-after blockchain networks for decentralized applications and tokenomics recently.

Cardano’s ecosystem has grown to over 100 projects as of September 2021, and the recently launched Alonzo fork, combined with the availability of other technical abilities such as the minting of the network’s native tokens, and smart contract compatibility is expected to boost the numbers even further.

That said, Kick.io, being a launchpad, is set to leverage these advantages by facilitating ICO launch for burgeoning projects who are seeking to raise liquidity via the Cardano blockchain.

According to Nicholson, the Kick ecosystem is about to flourish, and they have positioned themselves right in front of it.

“The ecosystem is…

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