Daily Trade News

Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and memes are hauling the dogsled to mass

2021 has been a breakout year for the cryptocurrency sector, as the passage of the first (BTC) exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a sign that crypto is becoming more mainstream and has the potential to lead to an increase in investors’ exposure to BTC.

The influx of new participants into the market throughout the year has had a profound impact on the overall culture of the crypto ecosystem. Ideas of privacy and a secure store of value have been overshadowed by the culture of memes as PePe’s and Wojacks have become endemic to crypto Twitter (NYSE:), where frens say “gm” to each other every day and respectfully call each other “ser.”

Top ten most searched cryptocurrencies in the U.S. in 2021. Source: Bacancy Technology
Top four dog-themed tokens by market capitalization. Source: CoinMarketCap