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Trump caught in a lie about being invited to World Series game by MLB

Former president Donald Trump reportedly lied when he claimed Saturday that he was invited to attend Game 4 of the World Series by New York Yankees president Randy Levine and Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred.

“Looking forward to being at the World Series in Atlanta tonight,” Trump said in a statement from his Save America PAC on Saturday. “Thank you to the Commissioner of Baseball Rob Manfred, and Randy Levine of the great New York Yankees, for the invite. Melania and I are looking forward to a wonderful evening watching two great teams!”

New York regional sports network SNY notes that Trump’s statement “ran counter to a Wednesday report in USA Today, in which Braves CEO Terry McGuirk said, ‘He called MLB and wanted to come to the game. We were very surprised. Of course, we said yes.'”

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According to SNY, “two officials directly involved in the process said that McGuirk’s comments were accurate, and that neither Manfred nor Levine had reached out to extend an invitation.”

“[Levine] has nothing to do with who attends a World Series in Atlanta,” one of the officials said.

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Read More: Trump caught in a lie about being invited to World Series game by MLB