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Aimedis Launches First Medicine NFT By DailyCoin

Blockchain and Medicine: Aimedis Launches First Medicine NFT

There is an enormous amount of medical data out there, but the healthcare industry remains flawed, and its data is difficult to use for research purposes due to its overall poor quality and lack of transparency. Obtaining accurate, reliable data can improve medicine and therefore people’s everyday lives on a global basis. Blockchain technology could be the best solution for these data-related issues within the industry.

Aimedis, founded in 2020, is a blockchain-based platform that offers various affordable and effective health services, including teleconsulting, appointment management, getting prescriptions, medical records, connecting to tracking devices, and more.

The platform itself is active in almost every continent, with a large number of patients already onboarded, and a goal of reaching 1 million patients by the end of 2022.

Aimedis is launching the first scientific and medical NFT marketplace in November, starting with a cancer trial.

The founders of Aimedis, Ben J.O. El Idrissi and Michael J. Kaldasch, are doctors who have worked in medicine and pharmaceuticals for over ten years. During an exclusive interview, Kaldasch told DailyCoin about the flaws of the pharmaceutical industry, and how, with the help of blockchain technology, Aimedis seeks to improve research and data quality in the healthcare industry.

The Need to Improve the Traditional Pharmaceutical Industry

The old ways that pharmaceutical trial studies work consumes a lot of time and money. The pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars to perform trials, of which around 90% fail. There is a lot of data in the medical industry, with dummy data used in trials too. Nevertheless, sometimes drugs work out well and are verified after successful trials with inaccurate data.

“We’ve been working in the pharmaceutical industry for quite some time and we know well the insights of it. I was a drug safety officer for some time, and I did some trials for large pharmaceutical companies. I had to deal with problematic data, and I saw the process of how the data is used and generated.

In some instances, there were a lot of paper sheets with hard-to-read or accidentally deleted information. Even when you take a look at electronic documents, you still don’t know what has been changed, and whether the data is real and genuine,”
Kaldasch explained.

Often, especially in developing countries, people are exploited for their data, and participate in pharmaceutical trials without even knowing as much. Due to this, some people and corporations make good money gathering data, while patients are completely left out.

Blockchain Can Bring High Quality Data to the Medical Industry

With the NFT marketplace, Aimedis is seeking to change the system completely. Hospitals, researchers, health care providers, and doctors will be able to generate NFTs and put anonymized data into them, sign the data, and then sell it to…

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