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The 13 biggest hoaxes in America, according to Donald Trump

But now Trump is once again a guy hollering about things, albeit one who’s leading in early polls for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. And so, to get applause from his base as well as to attack President Biden, Trump on Monday released a statement again disparaging the “global warming hoax” and Biden’s attendance at a conference centered on the subject. It’s an odd moment at which to make such a claim, given that we’ve learned far more over the past eight years about how the world is warming as a result of human activity, but nuances of the science were never the trigger for Trump’s position on the subject. So, he declared, it’s a hoax — in fact, the “7th biggest Hoax in America,” a global hoax somehow contained by this nation’s borders.

Read More: The 13 biggest hoaxes in America, according to Donald Trump