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SpinLaunch completes first test flight of alternative rocket

A prototype vehicle launches out of the company’s suborbital accelerator during its first test flight on October 22, 2021 at Spaceport America in New Mexico.


SpinLaunch, a start-up that is building an alternative method of launching spacecraft to orbit, conducted last month a successful first test flight of a prototype in New Mexico.

The Long Beach, California-based company is developing a launch system that uses kinetic energy as its primary method to get off the ground – with a vacuum-sealed centrifuge spinning the rocket at several times the speed of sound before releasing.

“It’s a radically different way to accelerate projectiles and launch vehicles to hypersonic speeds using a ground-based system,” SpinLaunch CEO Jonathan Yaney told CNBC. “This is about building a company and a space launch system that is going to enter into the commercial markets with a very high cadence and launch at the lowest cost in the industry.”

Founded in 2014 by Yaney, SpinLaunch’s successful test on Oct. 22 at Spaceport America in New Mexico marks a major milestone in the company’s progress. SpinLaunch has largely stayed quiet until now, which Yaney explained was due to the ambitions of the company.

“I find that the more audacious and crazy the project is, the better off you are just working on it – rather than being out there talking about it,” Yaney said. “We had to prove to ourselves that we could actually pull this off.”

SpinLaunch has raised $110 million to date, from investors including Kleiner Perkins, Google Ventures, Airbus Ventures, Catapult Ventures, Lauder Partners and McKinley Capital.

The first flight

The company’s suborbital accelerator at Spaceport America in New Mexico.


The SpinLaunch suborbital accelerator represents a one-third scale version, but – standing at more than 300 feet, “taller than the Statue of Liberty” – Yaney emphasized that it’s the size the company needs “to really prove the technology.”

The vacuum chamber holds a rotating arm, which Yaney said accelerates the projectile to high speed and then, “in less than a millisecond,” releases the vehicle for launch. The suborbital project is about 10 feet long, but “goes as fast as the orbital system needs, which is many thousands of miles an hour,” Yaney added.

“We can essentially validate our aerodynamic models for what our orbital launch vehicles are going to be like and it allows us to try out new technologies when it comes to release mechanisms,” Yaney said.

SpinLaunch’s first suborbital flight utilized about 20% of the accelerator’s full power capacity for the launch, and reached a test altitude “in the tens of thousands of feet,” according to Yaney.

While the first test flight vehicle did not have a rocket engine onboard, SpinLaunch plans to add that and other internal systems in later suborbital test flights. The company also plans to recover and reuse its vehicles, with Yaney noting the company recovered the first one “and it is it is absolutely flyable.”


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SpinLaunch completes first test flight of alternative rocket