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CyberTradeMetaverse As a Gateway to AllNFTs By BTC Peers

CyberTradeMetaverse As a Gateway to AllNFTs

NFT Gaming has become one of the fastest growing business in 2021. P2E NFT Games are a combination of blockchain and gaming, which are two fast growing industries. The model of play-to-earn (P2E) gaming is changing the whole industry and many people are interested as they can play a game they like, and make money at the same time. The surge in popularity of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) helped boost the presence of P2E games and players are shifting from traditional games to these where they can earn cryptocurrency rewards.

CyberTrade – Enter the Metropolit

CyberTrade already hit more than 50,000 pre-registrations! CyberTrade is an upcoming NFT P2E game with futuristic cyber-like looking world. CyberTrade has multiple game modes (team battles and drag races at first) in which you play with different fighters, items, race cars and bosses – they all represent NFTs. There are special characters you can play and fight with in the city of sin, Metropolit, that has been taken over by big corporations after a technological revolution.

Watch trailer here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK3DHwRqefM

It’s a year 2101 and corporations have taken control over a wide range of areas, such as weapons, robotics, pharmaceuticals, and communications. Most of them operate above the law and as a result, many people ended up on the streets of Metropolit with no chance of getting a decent job. You can become a character in a unique, online world crypto immersive experience with a breathtaking storyline. CyberTrade is going to contain many benefits besides a graphically intense environment and brand new NFTs in a form of characters, vehicles and items.

CyberCash and NFTs

CyberTrade will contain an in-game token called CyberCash (CCASH) which you can earn by playing, fighting and racing. CCASH is a community token with governance function where hodlers have an impact on the future of the development of the project. Tokens will be paid out for daily activity as well as for winning fights and being in high rankings. CyberCash will start out with a market cap around $4,3 million and token price at $0.08, which will offer investors a big chance to profit. The official date for public sale of CyberCash is going to happen at the end of November orby the beginning of December.

CyberTrade will offer several NFTs using Chainlink VRF that will randomize the attributes of NFTs. This will provide a fair gaming experience for everybody as it’s going to use a random number generator (RNG) which prevents in-game manipulations and authentic system integrity. The CyberTrade smart contract will only accept the random number input if it has a valid cryptographic proof. The integration of Chainlink VRF essentially provides players of CyberTrade with unique and fair gaming experience.

CyberTrade has many NFTs in form of characters, items, cars, etc. For example, every fighter will gain random attributes that determine his/her stronger and…

Read More: CyberTradeMetaverse As a Gateway to AllNFTs By BTC Peers