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Pelosi calls Trump’s presidency the ‘dark period’ at COP26 – with AOC

Nancy Pelosi calls Trump’s presidency the ‘dark period,’ Pete Buttigieg says climate change is about ‘saving lives’ and AOC celebrates getting her hands on Irn-Bru at the Glasgow’s COP26

  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called former President Donald Trump’s term in office the ‘dark period’ Wednesday at COP26 
  • Pelosi is among a number of prominent American politicians who are attending the later portion of the Glasgow, Scotland conference
  • President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama already made appearances 
  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also there – and tweeted excitedly on Wednesday, ‘I finally got a hold of some Irn-Bru,’ a popular Scottish soda 
  • After addressing reporters at the White House Monday, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg headed to COP26

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called former President Donald Trump‘s term in office the ‘dark period’ as she took questions Wednesday at COP26 about U.S. efforts to curb climate change. 

Pelosi is among a number of prominent American politicians who are attending the later portion of the Glasgow, Scotland conference – where President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama already made appearances. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also there – and tweeted excitedly on Wednesday, ‘I finally got a hold of some Irn-Bru,’ a popular Scottish soda. 

After addressing reporters at the White House on Monday, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg also traveled across the pond to the United Nations gathering. 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attended a press conference at COP26 on Wednesday and referred to former President Donald Trump's time in office as the 'dark period'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attended a press conference at COP26 on Wednesday and referred to former President Donald Trump’s time in office as the ‘dark period’ 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is among a number of U.S. politicians who are at COP26 this week. The climate conference was already attended by President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is among a number of U.S. politicians who are at COP26 this week. The climate conference was already attended by President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez excitedly tweeted Wednesday that she tracked down some of the popular Scottish soda, Irn-Bru, while attending the COP26 climate summit

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez excitedly tweeted Wednesday that she tracked down some of the popular Scottish soda, Irn-Bru, while attending the COP26 climate summit 

Irn-Bru is a popular soda in Scotland

Irn-Bru is a popular soda in Scotland 

During an appearance with climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe of Texas Tech University, Buttigieg said he wanted to change the framing on how combating climate change is discussed. 

Instead of pushing people to ‘save the planet,’ he said what climate activists are really trying to do is save lives. 

‘The planet will be orbiting the sun long after we are gone,’ Buttigieg said, according to The New York Times. ‘The planet does not need us. We’re the ones who need the planet.’ 

Buttigieg also warned at the conference, ‘I think the legitimacy of political action itself is…

Read More: Pelosi calls Trump’s presidency the ‘dark period’ at COP26 – with AOC